Ground Beef with Stuffed Peppers

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Ground Beef with Stuffed Peppers

Yummy, in this article I'm going to talk to you about stuffed peppers with ground beef and give you the recipe so that you cam do it yourself to enjoy it over and over again.

When you go to buy your peppers you can choose any color you like, orange, yellow or red green ones.If you were you would find a good medium sized pepper. The color is up to you but I find that I personally like The Reds because they are the sweetest for me. The greens I find are a bit bitter, but I like them all.

Wash the peppers very well, you never know who has caressed your peppers. Cut the top of the pepper and clean the inside thoroughly. Keep the good parts of the top of the pepper so you can fry with the other Ingredients to come back To put in the pepper before roasting them in the oven.

Before roasting the peppers with everything good inside, I would boil them a little first, maybe two minutes, then I would chill them out.

Now you can start frying all your vegetables that you will add inside the peppers, I would use the onion safely, maybe a little celery and a herb of your choice, some soy sauce or something similar, for vegetables You would use about half a cup depending on the amount of peppers you make and do not forget your going to add burger. Add some tomatoes if you like or some tomato sauce, mot too.After long after you have fried all those tasty things for the inside of your peppers you can even put away for now. Do not fry long your going to add the burger In a bit.Maybe about ten minutes and you can always add other ingredients you prefer.Some people can not like tomatoes, you can substitute for another sauce instead, All your self.

After all you've done, you can now fry the hamburger, about a pound or something like that extra lean and add spices that your family likes or likes, some like hot and some do not When the hamburger is cooked You can add all the above ingredients together, mix well .. If you want to add rice to you could, just cook and mix with all the other goodies.

Finally, you want to preheat your oven to about 350 degrees, and while it is heated add the ingredients you cooked to your hollowed peppers and put them on a large baking sheet. You want to cook for about an hour and then take And add your favorite cheese, because the cheese just makes all the taste much better. Put them back in the oven until the cheese melts and then take them out and enjoy.

I hope you try these stuffed peppers with the ground beef recipe and like her because they sure do.If you have not tried a recipe for stuffed peppers before, you just do not know what your missing out on.

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