Women's "Number One" Super Food

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Women's "Number One" Super Food

What makes a meal a "super"? For a food that is listed as a super food, it has to be high in vitamins as well as other nutrients. Such nutrients should allow foods to provide great health benefits, such as protection against heart disease or cancer, as well as being useful for increasing fiber intake and for weight loss. Since there are literally dozens of foods that are so skilled, it is impossible to add all super foods to the diet. That gives you the ability to choose and choose the foods that you like the best as well as the one that best fits your diet plan and your lifestyle.

In most lists, superfoods are fruits, vegetables and nuts, but there are some animal products that make the cut too. Some of them are a bit shocking because they seem to be higher in calories and fat, but before they are discarded, the type of fat should be considered first. Monounsaturated fatty acids, also known as MUFAs are important because they can help reduce belly fat as well as provide other nutrients that are incredibly beneficial as well. Avocado, a large source of MUFAs is also high in protein, plant sterols, folic acid and magnesium. They are also great sources of vitamins, too.

Super foods also have something else in common: almost all of them are preferred in their most natural state, usually the wild variety. Wild Alaska salmon and wild blueberries are two examples of this. Both are very beneficial for obviously very different reasons, but both are in their healthiest state when they are "wild." For salmon, wild varieties minimize the amount of harmful chemicals, especially mercury, which is found in thick meat. Technically, all berries, including commercially grown types will make it into a list of super foods, but wild varieties are the best.

Foods that increase your daily fiber intake are also high in the super food list. Steel oats, which are the highest in fiber among varieties of oats will help about the recommended 25-30 grams of fiber that women should be getting. Beans are another great source of dietary fiber and provide antioxidants, protein and folate as well. Beans can also help with weight loss efforts as well not only because they are filling but because they can bind with starches to prevent them from being absorbed.

Super foods are super because they are healthy and nutritious, not because they have magical power. They still have calories that need to be counted. But, as part of a healthy diet in general, they may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

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